Wednesday, 14 December 2011


I expect that this will last for a couple of weeks. Due to a bunch of unforeseen circumstances, the desire to comic has completely left me. This means there will probably still be comics, they'll just be less regular.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

No Baby On Board (BONUS)

Why can't childless people have obnoxious stickers in their back windows too? I want to put this everywhere. In sticker form.

Friday, 2 December 2011


There are some areas in which the gender gap is completely in favour of one sex or another. This is what I think of every time someone complains girls have it so awesome.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

First Panel Shenanigans (Bonus 2 of 2)

If you don't know the story, go back one post, or god help you if you're too lazy to to that, you can click here. (Note: if you clicked that, I hate you.)
Anyhoo, After the previous exchange This intrepid artist sent me this first panel:

And after looking at it (and music and various things on the internet that caught my attention) for a good half-hour, I started on this:

Apologies for the tiny text in the third panel. I have terrible penmanship. I might have to figure out how to put text in this program without taking the extra minute to move it from MS Paint. Yes Paint.